Fire: Let Your Light Burn Brightly

[This entry is part of a 5-part series in collaboration with Sah’m Acupuncture ( to honor the 5 elements in Chinese medicine and philosophy.  The fourth element we explore is fire, which is associated with the heart.]


“The most tangible of all visible mysteries – fire.” Leigh Hunt

As summer approaches, the element of fire moves into focus.  Fire is the blazing sun that gives us life and illuminates our days.  Like the center of our solar system around which all life revolves, it makes sense that the organ that corresponds to fire is the heart, the life-giving center of our bodies.  Aside from the essential function of pumping blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all its cells, the heart is the source of love, passion and connection with others.  Healthy heart energy is expansive energy, full of enthusiasm and joy.  The heart wants to go out into the world and engage fully with life.

In the time of COVID-19, our relationship to summer and the fire element will be altered this year.  Already, Memorial Day (the unofficial start of summer in the U.S.) has come and gone.  Most people I spoke to found ways to come together (even at a distance) and enjoy themselves under the sun, but I also heard lamentations about the loss of carefree summer fun, concerns about travel and the anticipation of missing events and people they usually see at this time of year.  Outdoor festivals may not happen, and normally crowded beaches and lively barbecues will have a different tone.

There will likely be fewer summer romances blooming as people warily come out of their shells.  This year a shadow is cast over the bright, warm days that we associate with summer.  When the heart energy is out of balance, we might experience agitation or mania at one end of the spectrum or a sense of meaninglessness, isolation, and loss of drive at the other.  So how do we find balance and nourishment for our hearts in these strange times so we don’t have to sing the blues all summer long?

To start, we can be reminded that we are sustained by a limitless source of energy.  You can call this energy the life force, or you can call it love.  When clouds cover the sun, the world appears darker and gloomier, but the sun hasn’t gone anywhere.  The sun is still providing us with its energy even when it is not visible.  The same is true for us.  We have this life force within us at all times, even in the shadow of a pandemic.  We have warmth and light and love within us always, even when we can’t see it for the clouds.  To remember this can bring a sense of comfort and peace when everything else feels off.

Summer is the season when the seeds we planted come to fruition.  Although it is likely that some bigger plans may have been put aside, smaller plans or alternative plans may be in order.  Are there projects that have been on the back burner that could finally be completed?  Are there different trips that could be taken?  Instead of traveling across the globe, maybe there are adventures to be had closer to home.  Often when we are dreaming of faraway lands, we miss the treasures that are right in our backyards.  Even if you can’t do everything you had planned, ask yourself what brings you passion and joy?  It might mean rekindling a passion or hobby from childhood.  It might mean finding a new source of purpose.  Find new ways to have fun; embrace frivolity.  Listen to your heart and see what comes to you. 

Also, in the name of good circulation and heart health, move your body.  Find types of exercise that you really enjoy, not those that feel like a chore.  Maybe it’s rollerblading or dancing, but whatever you do, really connect to the pleasure of being in your body.

As the fire energy is the heart connection, now is the time to nurture relationships.  The way we express affection is different now, but we can still delight in the company of others.  There may be an absence of hugs and handshakes, but your presence is what is most important.  We can share in meaningful experiences even if we are further apart than we’re used to.  And even if you can’t be physically present with someone, listening to them, really listening from the heart, is the next best thing.  One bright aspect that has come out of connecting in alternative ways is that people are really tuning into each other more.

It is possible that this summer your fire might seem to burn less brightly than in past years.  Try not to compare this summer with others.  This will be its own unique time and rather than spend the time wishing for what isn’t, be with what is.  Make the most of the little fires that are warming your heart.  There will be another summer without a pandemic.  But this is the one we have now, and our time is no less precious. We will still have opportunities to open our hearts to others, to give and receive love, and to soak up the long days of frolic and leisure.