Rest is Revolutionary

Rest is Revolutionary

The American Psychological Association recently conducted a Pandemic Anniversary Survey to determine how stressed out Americans are a year into the pandemic. Turns out they are still pretty stressed. This finding is not surprising even as the vaccine is being rolled out and those of us in the Northern Hemisphere welcome in the warmer weather. Many people are feeling renewed optimism and freedom from being vaccinated, but the reality is that it is going to be a gradual transition to a time when we can roam free without masks or social distancing. It’s like we are at mile 21 of the marathon, which is when many people start to really feel the burn and the exhaustion. So how do you keep going to the finish line?

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The Turn of the Year: What Have You Learned?

The Turn of the Year:  What Have You Learned?

Here we are finally saying goodbye to the very memorable year that has been 2020. Of course, the close of the calendar year doesn’t actually mean the end of COVID or the end of the uncertainty that has come along with it. But it does afford us time to look back and reflect on everything we have been through since the earth made its full revolution around the sun. How are you feeling about the journey you have made over the past year?

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